
Simply fill in the following fields. We recommend that you use your real name for the "player name" and not a "nickname". It is much more fun if all the other players can see which colleagues make up the individual teams.

And also: Please do not use any private e-mail-adresses for registration! 


Important: Team allocation, team size and country code.

The Techem EC 2024 betting game is a competition between teams from our different Techem countries. Each player must therefore assign himself to a team when registering. A team must consist of at least 2 and can have a maximum of 11 members. 
Each team needs a captain, i.e. a player who founds the team and gives it a name. How does this work? When registering personally, the captain enters the name of the team in the mandatory field provided. The team is then created and appears in a drop-down menu that is displayed to every new player during registration. In this way, the other players in a team can assign themselves directly when they register.
If you are the captain of a team, please make sure you give the team name a clear country code - for example, the common abbreviations of international countries (e.g. FR for France, PL for Poland, DE for Germany, etc.). Otherwise, there are no limits to your imagination when naming your team (examples: Tifosi_IT or Fußballgötter_DE).


Create your own group
7 + 4 =